Monday, July 26, 2010

10. He Got Up When It Was Still Dark

Mark 1:35

I like to wake up early and start my day when it’s still dark, but this morning I just couldn’t do it. Yesterday was a long day filled with people and I was exhausted, so I slept on in. Mark tells us that on one occasion Jesus had a day filled with people and healings and opponents. In fact, after the sun went down, every sick person in that town came to find Jesus and Luke says He laid hands on each one of them. It must have taken hours into the night, but Mark says that He got up early the next day, while it was still dark. Even though He was spent. Even though He had practically been up all night, He got Himself up, went off by Himself and spent time with His Father. I love Jesus because taking care of His heart was the most important thing on His mind, even after a long, difficult, harrowing day. He nurtured and cared for the heart that paid for us.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

9. He Touched Each One

Luke 4:40

How many times have you heard people talk about being too busy to stop and think about one more thing? How many times have you said it yourself? You know the feeling, right? It’s so easy to let that email inbox pile up, to simply smile and wave people off, when you wish you had time to stop and deal with everyone. I love Jesus because one day in Capernaum when some sick people needed His help, Jesus laid His hands on each and every one of them. The amazing this is, this had been a long day! Jesus was teaching in the synagogue all day, then healed a man with an evil spirit, then went to Simon’s house and healed his mother in law. When the sun was setting, everyone in the village who had any kind of sickness made their way to Simon’s place. I would have said, “Come back tomorrow.” I would have said, “let’s make an appointment.” Jesus didn’t. Even though it was late and He was tired, He had time for each and everyone of them. He’s never too busy to stop and spend time with you, in fact, He loves to do just that! Whatever your problem or need is, He wants to drop everything and take care of you.

Monday, July 12, 2010

8. He Appeared to Simon

Luke 24:34

What if you betrayed your best friend? What if you sunk down to a level lower than you ever dreamed you could go? Maybe you have... maybe; like me, you know how it feels to surprise even your own self with just how bad you can be. Simon Peter knew the feeling. He told Jesus that no matter what anyone else did, he would always have Jesus’ back, but then he denied the Lord three times. People always say that the first time they saw each other again after these denials was the beachside breakfast where Jesus thrice asked Peter if he loved Him, but it wasn’t. I love Jesus because He appeared to Peter one on one after the resurrection and before that beautiful breakfast. What did they talk about? How did they reconcile? How much did Peter cry? What sweet things did Jesus say to comfort Peter’s weary and embarrassed heart? Well, we’ll never know, because it’s none of our business. Their conversation was private, just like the one Jesus wants to have with me when I’m at my worst and lowest, and just like the one He wants to have with you when you need Him most.

Monday, July 5, 2010

7. He Went To Find the Man

John 9:35

What if believing in Jesus doesn’t really solve all your problems? What if, after you’ve trusted in Him, you find that your life is more difficult than before and you enter into problems you never would have had without Him in your life? One time Jesus healed the sight of a man born blind so that “the work of God might be displayed in his life.” The healing was amazing, but it ushered in some complications that weren’t there before. All of a sudden he and his parents were subjected to an inquiry that ended in this newly healed man being kicked out of the synagogue and ostracized from the community life of his people. Now the man could see, but all he could really see was how much trouble he was in and how alone he suddenly was. I love Jesus because He went and found this man. In the midst of his troubles and discouragement, Jesus met with him, encouraged him and then told him face to face that he was talking to the Messiah! A life with Jesus is not necessarily an easier life, but it is real life with the Author of life Himself; and even if we lose everything for it, we’ll never lose Him!