Tuesday, September 21, 2010

18. He Gives As Much As You Want

John 6:11

It happens every day. Something winds up being so much less satisfying than it promised to be. Whether it's 'the number one movie in America' or 'the best pizza in town,’ it’s easy to stop expecting very much from life. I mean, even when you think you’ve got it all, it’s not enough, is it? A couple of weeks ago I engineered the perfect day. I was lounging on the couch in the air conditioning watching college football surrounded by friends and way too many calories. It was a blast! And yet, it wasn’t enough. Nothing I do or buy or taste or try is ever enough to completely satisfy the deepest itch way down inside, except Him. I love Jesus because He actually can satisfy the human heart. In John chapter 6, when thousands of people sat hungry on a hillside with no money or food, Jesus miraculously multiplied a sack lunch and fed everyone there. John says they all ate as much as they wanted and then there were a dozen baskets full of leftovers! It was a picture of what He can do in the heart, and when you come to Him, He gives as much as you could ever want.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

17. He Took Death Lightly

Mark 5:39

Is there anything more tragic than the death of a child? My now seven-year-old niece Abby was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for six months after she was born, and I can still remember visiting her in the hospital and having to steel my emotions against the onslaught of desperation and pain that so many mothers, fathers and nurses experienced every day over the sickness and too often death of precious little ones. One time Jesus followed the desperate dad of a sick little girl down crowded city streets only to find out that she had died before they arrived at the house. Jairus’ heart cracked, but Jesus didn’t flinch. He went into the house and actually asked everyone there why they were all wailing and crying. Now, this is a strange scene. I mean, did Jesus honestly not understand their tears? Was He that cold? No, it wasn’t lack of concern we see here, it was the thrill of victory. I love Jesus because He defeated death. He knew that because of His death and resurrection, He was going to unravel the pain and tragedy of dying and then triumph over all that sadness with unstoppable joy for anyone who trusts in Him.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

16. He Doesn't Make Me Impress Him

Matthew 15:28

Have you ever met someone famous? If so, do you remember that almost unstoppable urge to do something or say something impressive to get them to like you? We think that if we are talking to someone important, we need to seem important too so that they’ll accept us or think we’re cool. Thing is, if we feel this way about people, how much more so for God Himself? If there’s anyone I need to impress, it would have to be Jesus, right? One woman thought so. She sought Jesus out because she had a problem she couldn’t solve and she thought that if she impressed Him enough, He’d do what she needed, so she called Him by His Kingly title, His Israeli birthright, “Lord, Son of David,” even though she was a foreigner. Jesus didn’t even respond to her. In fact, it wasn’t until she stopped trying to impress Him and just begged for mercy like a little dog begging for scraps from the table that He turned, smiled and did what she needed. I love Jesus because He doesn’t make me fake it or impress Him. He knows I’m desperate and needy and all He requires of me is to know my need of Him.