Wednesday, August 22, 2012

198. He Loves Like A Husband

How much does Jesus love you? What does that love look like? Well, let’s conduct a little thought experiment: I want you to think about the best marriage you’ve ever seen in your life. I’m totally serious. I want you to think about a marriage that flat-out rocks. Now, it may not be your parents or anyone in your family, but somewhere in your life, there’s probably a marriage that’s so cool, you want one just like it. Take a second and picture that couple in your mind. Maybe you have a few of them. I want you to focus your brain on the most devoted, the most tender and the most in-love husband you personally know and just think about that dude. What is he like? What does he do for his bride? What happens to his face when someone mentions her name or when she walks in the room? How does he serve her? How does he sacrifice for her? How does he protect and defend her? How does he strive for her happiness? Can you picture his face when they’re together? Can you hear him laughing at her jokes or see the pride in his smile when he introduces her to one of his friends? Think about that husband. Really close your eyes and take a moment... Now, here’s the cool thing: That guy is trying as hard as he can to be like Jesus is. Ephesians 5 says that husbands who are doing it right should be loving like Jesus loves you. They should sacrifice and tenderly care for their girl just like Jesus does for you. Multiply that husband a million times and then you’re starting to see how Jesus loves you.

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