Wednesday, November 21, 2012

224. He's Looking For Gratitude

How does a person really change their emotions? What does it take to make a heart shift and feel new things that you weren’t feeling before? For instance, let’s say you’re really down and just sad - what’s the traditional wisdom on how to change that feeling? Change your circumstances? Fix the thing that was bringing you down in the first place? Well, I guess that sounds like it would work, but what if you have no control over those circumstances? What it the situation is out of your hands? Most people think that they way they feel is just an unchangeable reality you have to live with. They see their own emotions as an unassailable fortress that can’t be approached. I used to feel the same way until one little thing changed everything - gratitude. You may not believe it, but gratitude is the most powerful thing in your arsenal right now. Saying a prayer of thanks can change everything. Once, Jesus healed ten lepers with a word. He told them all to go show themselves to the priest, and as they went, they realized they had been cleansed. One of the ten came back to Jesus and thanked Him. Jesus said this man was ‘made whole.’ All were healed - but only one was made fully well. The gratitude did something for him that the healing alone couldn’t do. The thankfulness changed the way He saw Jesus, which changed and filled his heart with joy. When you’re down, you don’t feel thankful, so it seems hypocritical to pray a prayer of thanks, but try it anyway. It’s an easy prayer to say, and the more you do it, the more you will change. Gratitude is the most powerful emotion you have.

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