Saturday, December 8, 2012

229. He's What God Is Saying About Himself

What does God want you to know about Himself? What if you took a survey of tons of random folks and the question was, “What is the one thing God wants you to know about Him?” Would the answers be about love? Would they say He wants us to know He’s the one true God or something? Now, what if you took that same survey but only asked preachers and church people? They might say God wants you to know He’s ‘holy’ or ‘righteous’ or something like that, right? Here’s the really cool thing: You don’t have to ask anyone. When you look at the Christmas story, you have the answer. Paul says in Colossians 1 that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. One translation says it like this: “He’s the visible expression of the invisible God.” In other words, Jesus was God showing us God. He was telling us what God wanted to say about Himself. So, what was God saying? Well, Jesus wasn’t born in a palace with lots of money. He wasn’t born famous or in charge of anyone. In fact, when God came here, He chose to start and live 90 percent of His life with poor, nobodies that no one even cared about. He came to peasants, was visited by outcasts, lived with foreigners and was raised with a bunch of uneducated hicks from nowhere. If Jesus was the visible expression of the invisible God, then the thing God most wanted us to know about Himself is that He loves the people no one else loves. The people no one cares about. He gave His life to the poor, the hated and the ignored. God loves the nobody. Merry Christmas. 

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