Thursday, February 7, 2013

245. He Has Perfected You Forever

What if God saw you the way you see yourself? That would be terrible! If God saw you the way you see you, He’d freak out every time you sinned. He’d lose heart and patience with every tiny backslide and He would probably tear the roof off of the world and destroy the place when you really screwed up. The problem that a lot of folks have in their relationship with God is that they actually think He sees them exactly as they see themselves. We live inside time. We see ourselves in the middle of a process, but God is outside all of that. Past, present and future are all present realities to Him right now. So, when we sin again, we feel all kinds of things that God doesn’t. We feel surprised because we didn’t know it would happen. We feel disappointed because we told ourselves we wouldn’t do that thing again and we feel shame because we sense that we deserve to be punished. When Jesus went to the cross over 2,000 years ago, He already knew every sin you would ever do. He’s not surprised or disappointed or casting shame. He actually went to the cross to endure and absorb all the punishment we would ever deserve so that we could be free from it. Do you want to know how Jesus actually sees you, according to the Bible? Hebrews 10 tells us that by His offering, Jesus has “perfected forever those who are being sanctified.” Whoa. That’s how He sees you. He has perfected you forever. Jesus says you are perfect. I shudder to say that about myself, but I shouldn’t, because I didn’t say it. He did. Jesus says you are perfect. 

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