Friday, August 9, 2013

287. He Knows There's A Reason Behind Your Wrong

How many times have you tried to change your life by simply resolving to do better next time? Lots of times, right? My guess is that it hasn’t worked at all, ever. Most folks think the way to change is to start with their sin, feel terrible and guilty about it, get all determined that they’ll never do it again, grit their teeth and then try to live a holier life than they are able to. Without fail, these poor folks do that sin again, but now the shame is doubled, because not only was it wrong in the first place, but now they’ve gone and resolved to never do it again, which makes it feels even more wrong. The mounting guilt doesn’t let them approach God for love and wisdom, so they’re even more likely to do it again. I know you do that because everyone does it. I’ve done it a million times. Jesus knows that plan doesn’t work because He knows there are reasons behind our wrong. When He talked to the woman at the well, He didn’t just call her out and say, “Stop sinning.” He talked about her thirst, showed her she was thirsty for real love and then told her who He was. In the end, she left her water jar at the well because she wasn’t thirsty anymore. You probably aren’t going to just stop sinning. Jesus wants to help you understand why you do what you do and show you how He can meet those needs. He wants to help you come up with a plan to change. He is patient and loving. The first step is simply not being afraid to go straight to Him for wisdom.

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