Saturday, January 25, 2014

334. He's Teaching You To Walk

Most Christians think God is only pleased with them when they’re living right. Even if we really love the idea of grace, singing the songs that celebrate forgiveness and writing out the verses that proclaim our freedom on index cards for our dashboards, lots of us are talking ourselves into it. Deep down inside us, many of us really think our stumbling and struggling is a source of frustration for the Lord. We walk a few paces upright, we start to feel good about where we are spiritually, and before you know it, we crash and burn all over again, feeling like the same old loser we’ve always been. Not only that, but we think God shares our low opinion of ourselves. We have a very wishy-washy view of the affections of God. We see Him hot and cold and everything in between, based on whether we walk or fall. Jesus said He has us by the hand and no one will ever break His grip. As a father of three kids, I love the feeling of holding my kids’ hands. I have a head and heart full of memories of helping them learn to walk and holding their chunky little mitts in my hand, guiding them across the floor one step at a time. My kids fell a lot - even after they learned to walk. Just the other day I was holding my five year-old son’s hand as we crossed an icy parking lot so that when he slipped, I would have hold of him. You are going to stumble, stagger and fall, but Jesus isn’t frustrated or disappointed. He has hold of your hand and He loves to watch you try while holding onto Him.

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