Tuesday, August 10, 2010

11. He Asksed Questions

Luke 18:41

One of the most surprising things about reading the Gospels is the number of times Jesus asks someone a question. I mean, Jesus is God... He knows everything. He knew what His enemies were thinking just by reading their minds. He knew where to find fish when the pros couldn’t get a bite. He knew all the broken love stories of a woman He had never met. He knew that the Romans were going to sack and burn Jerusalem to the ground four decades before it happened, and on and on. So, why is He asking questions? He even asked questions when everyone knew the answer, like in Luke 18 when a blind guy is brought to His feet, Jesus says, “What do you want me to do for you?” Hello! He’s blind! He doesn’t want investment counseling, he wants to see! Obviously Jesus knew the answer, but He asked the question anyway because He wanted this guy to say what he needed out loud. I love Jesus because even though He knows everything I need already, He knows how important and how good it is it is for me to tell Him out loud exactly what I want from Him.

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