Tuesday, September 21, 2010

18. He Gives As Much As You Want

John 6:11

It happens every day. Something winds up being so much less satisfying than it promised to be. Whether it's 'the number one movie in America' or 'the best pizza in town,’ it’s easy to stop expecting very much from life. I mean, even when you think you’ve got it all, it’s not enough, is it? A couple of weeks ago I engineered the perfect day. I was lounging on the couch in the air conditioning watching college football surrounded by friends and way too many calories. It was a blast! And yet, it wasn’t enough. Nothing I do or buy or taste or try is ever enough to completely satisfy the deepest itch way down inside, except Him. I love Jesus because He actually can satisfy the human heart. In John chapter 6, when thousands of people sat hungry on a hillside with no money or food, Jesus miraculously multiplied a sack lunch and fed everyone there. John says they all ate as much as they wanted and then there were a dozen baskets full of leftovers! It was a picture of what He can do in the heart, and when you come to Him, He gives as much as you could ever want.

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