Saturday, July 30, 2011

88. He Reversed The Curse

Acts 10:38

Do you know how good it feels to help somebody? Have you felt that almost insatiable, giddy, light-headed joy of pouring out your life for someone else? You know, you do something for someone that gives you nothing and you feel like you finally know your purpose in life? If you’ve had this feeling, then you know that there is nothing in this world that fills you up as much as giving your life away to build God’s kingdom; but here’s a question: Do you know why serving others feels so good and is so fulfilling? In Acts 10, Peter said Jesus “went about doing good.” Now, that doesn’t seem like a big deal, but believe me, it is. You see, that phrase ‘went about’ is translated other ways in the New Testament. One place is in Romans 5 where Paul says that sin entered the world through one man and so death spread to all men. That word ‘spread’ is the same word. You see, the curse of sin spread like a disease to all people bringing death, and then Jesus went on a mission spreading His life and goodness. He didn’t just go around haphazardly doing good. This wasn’t random acts of kindness. No, He was intentionally spreading life with military precision wherever darkness and death were. The reason it feels so good to serve others is that whenever you get out there and serve someone in Jesus’ name, you are literally part of Jesus’ mission to reverse the curse of sin and death in the world. As the Christmas song says, “No more let sins and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground. He comes to make His blessings flow far as the curse is found.”

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