Tuesday, April 2, 2013

253. He Transforms Pain

Have you ever wondered if the pain in your life has a purpose? Is your suffering random? Does God see it? Does God care? Is He able or willing to do anything about the hurt you’ve been through? To be honest, I don’t think we can ever really know why God allows the kind of pain He does to come into people’s lives. It’s too complicated for me to understand, but I do know this: God Himself did not excuse Himself from suffering. Jesus, who was and is God in the flesh experienced the worst pain imaginable. He submitted to the most horrible torture and death that human beings have ever conceived and then He did something amazing - He transformed suffering into beauty and glory. Isaiah 53 says that His punishment brought us peace and that we are healed by His wounds. In other words, He endured pain that led to our freedom. He suffered so that we could be repaired. His hurt ensures our eternal happiness. When Jesus died, He didn’t stay dead. He rose from the grave and lives forever in glorious, indestructible joy and He promises us that same destiny. That means that no matter what we have to endure here and now in this life, it will only be momentary and temporary before this life ends and we enter into perfect paradise forever with Jesus! When I truly understand that, my suffering is transformed like Jesus’ was. When I remember what’s in store, my pain is no longer the point of the story because I can rejoice in the promise to come. And when I can rejoice in the midst of my hurt, He uses my faith in the lives of others who are watching and suffering.

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