Saturday, May 4, 2013

262. He's Waiting To Restore Everything

Are you over it yet? Are you just about as sick and tired of this busted up old world as I am? Aren’t you tired of war, disease, slavery and hate? Have you had it up to here with pain and problems? I don’t mean to be cynical, but I have to be honest - the more I learn, the more I find out, I’m ready for this place see its last day. And look, it’s not just the big, global tragedies I’m talking about. I’m ready for the thousands of little struggles and injustices in my own life to get sorted out, settled and made right! Do you ever just throw your hands up in the middle of your own life because you’re tired of dealing with it? There is so much in this world that’s messed up, so much that’s backward and wrong. Is it always going to be this way? Are things going to continue to get worse and worse forever and ever as long as this world turns? Well, no. It turns out things are not always going to be like this. The Apostle Peter gave a message at the temple in Jerusalem shortly after our Lord rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. He said that this is the time to receive God’s free gift of forgiveness in Jesus because this world is drawing to a close. Times of refreshing are coming for God’s people! God is going to send His King back into this world. Jesus will come again! Peter said, “Heaven must receive Him until the time comes for God to restore everything.” It’s coming! Restoration. Justice. Freedom. Peace. Jesus is going to bring into this world a glorious Kingdom of pure love.

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