Saturday, September 17, 2011

102. He Encourages The Real You

Matthew 16:18

Have you ever had someone tell you who you have to be - according to them? You know what I mean, right? This might be a parent, a coach, a teacher or even a boyfriend or girlfriend, but whoever it is, they have some expectation for you to be a certain kind of person and you have to fit in that mold or else you’re failing them. Dang, I hate that feeling and I’ve always rebelled against that kind of attitude. I don’t want someone telling me “You are going to be such and such because I say so...” Someone telling me who I have to be because they have authority over me doesn’t motivate me. It only makes me feel like I am going to fail their test. Maybe you’ve had to live up to this kind of expectation your whole life and the really crappy thing is that the people who put those expectations on you don’t take the time to find out whether or not you even want their plan for your life. That’s where Jesus is different. Jesus doesn’t bark orders at me telling me who I have to be. No, He knows my heart and tells me who I actually am and that He loves me. He doesn’t impose impossible demands on who I should be, but instead gives me a vision for who I could be if I keep walking with Him. He doesn’t force me into a mold, but instead already knows the individual masterpiece He’s making me into, so He tells me who I will be in Him, which is exactly the person I’ve always wanted to be -- joyful, righteous, forgiven, strong, wise and filled to the brim with His outrageous love.

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