Tuesday, September 20, 2011

103. He's Been There Before Us

John 10:27

The turning point for anyone in their understanding of who Jesus is always comes when Jesus finally says to them, “Follow me.” For a while, maybe you heard about Jesus in Bible stories or from a friend or a pastor, but at some point, you felt a shift when the Bible stories became more than stories and you felt a tug at your heart. You knew that Jesus really is alive and that He was actually calling you to walk through your life with Him. Thing is, this can get scary. I mean, let’s be honest - Jesus takes people through some junk sometimes. Jesus asks people to endure some heavy stuff, so when He says, “Follow me,” it’s not always a simple, cut and dry kind of decision. For anyone who really knows what’s up, they realize that following Jesus is going to be difficult and unpredictable and may even be dangerous. Here’s one thing to remember though: Whatever Jesus asks you to go through, He has walked through it Himself. In fact, He can only ask you to follow Him if He’s actually going ahead of you. No matter what He takes you through, you’re not alone, and you’re not some kind of freak who’s going through something new that no one can identify with. Jesus has been where you are. In fact, wherever you are right now, He was in there first, just leading you through it. I can’t tell you why you’ve had face what you’ve had to face, but I can promise you that you haven’t had to face it alone. Jesus is the kind of Shepherd who walks in front of His sheep. He knows what we go through, because He went there first.

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