Sunday, October 23, 2011

112. He's Getting Rid Of Evil

1 John 3:8

Sometimes, all folks can think about is their own sinfulness. They obsess on it, they hate themselves for it, they torture themselves about the fact that they keep messing up so much that it’s really the only dynamic in their spiritual life. I mean, a life with Jesus in it is supposed to be filled with all kinds of joy and peace, and yet for some folks, their life is nothing but a compulsion on their own personal wickedness. Whoa. Now, don’t get me wrong, we’re all messed up. Every single person has a heart just as dark as it can be, filled with all kinds of evil thoughts, petty jealousies, rage, hate, lust and selfishness. and most of us have acted on all those feelings (and more) plenty of times. We know we’re a mess, but a life with Jesus in it is supposed to change everything! Knowing Jesus is supposed to give us a whole new perspective and obsession. Yes, human beings rebelled against God and yes, we’re part of that seditious lot, but we’re the way we are because of someone else... Satan. That’s right. He started this whole thing, and here’s the deal: The reason Jesus came here was to destroy the works of Satan, period. That means that Jesus doesn’t just forgive and forget our sin. In the end, all evil will wind up so eradicated, it will be like Satan and sin never even existed. All of the evil that ever was will be like the time when you were three years old and you tripped and busted your lip. I mean, it happened, but who remembers it, or still hurts from it? That’s what Jesus is going to do with evil.

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