Monday, October 31, 2011

114. He Has A Secret Weapon

1 Corinthians 12:27

In order to end World War II, the United States developed, built and deployed the first atomic bombs. They poured all their resources, energy, science and inginuity into a secret weapon that changed the world forever. I actually live in the little city that engineered the two atomic bombs that ended WWII. Thing is, it wasn’t just the bomb that was a secret, but the whole city! Oak Ridge was just a collection of farms in the hills of East Tennessee until the Marine Corps of Engineers swooped in and constructed a hidden town in a matter of weeks and then shipped in a work force of 75,000 people to make the weapon that ended the war. It was called “The Secret City” and they were really serious about keeping the secret! The army posted guards at every entrance to the little town and built the roads to be like a confusing maze. Everyone who lived there had to wear identity badges and they all had to keep their lives a secret because the hopes of the world were in the hands of those scientists and workers who developed the secret weapon. Did you know Jesus has a secret weapon? Jesus has a battle to fight and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. In the midst of the fight, He’s pouring His time, energy, power and wisdom into a weapon that will change the tide. That weapon is you. You are Jesus’ hands and feet, eyes and ears. You are the body of Christ, and you may think no one sees or cares about your life, but that is because Jesus is quietly and secretly developing you into the weapon that will change the world forever.

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