Friday, April 27, 2012
165. He Cuts To The Quick
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
164. He Wasn't Reluctant To Save You
Saturday, April 21, 2012
163. He Was Already Mocked Enough
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
162. He Makes No Exceptions
You know that feeling right after you mess up and fail again that tells you God no longer loves you? Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror after committing some big, fat sin and then immediately felt that instinct to just turn away really quickly because you can’t bear to see your own face? When guilt comes into your heart, it lies by telling you that you are different. It says you are somehow an exception to the rule. See, the message of the Gospel is that Jesus paid for all your wrong, so that you are totally forgiven and sin can't separate you from Him, and it never will again. But then you fall again and you feel all condemned and separated! So what are you supposed to do when guilt comes in and starts lying to you about yourself? What do you do when those emotions are so strong? Try this: Take a look at the last couple of verses in Romans 8. Paul tells us things about the love of Jesus that we need to never forget. He gives us a list of things that can never separate us from Jesus’ love, and in this list, he covers every exception, every sin, every possible type of enemy attack and every conceivable circumstance under the sun. Paul’s saying that when Jesus paid for you, He paid for everything, no exceptions! He’s saying that nothing can change your status of being forgiven and joined to Christ in love, and if you do feel some separation because of something you did, take that list in Romans 8 and run your sin through it. Is it covered? Yes. The love of Jesus closes all the loopholes and makes no exceptions.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
161. He Didn't Serve The Rules
Why is it that you can never please some people because they only look at the ways you are failing? Why are some Christians so hung up on what people do? If we are saved by grace through faith, what’s with the emphasis on rules? Look, the reason so many Christians place a huge importance on following rules is really quite simple, and don’t forget this: It gives them a measurable way to be better at the spiritual life than you, period. It’s a way for them to make life with Jesus into a competition and make sure they win. The way it goes down is like this - a person realizes they really do have it together in a certain area of their walk with the Lord. As in, they naturally don’t really struggle in this one thing. That person’s next step is to turn the whole focus of their spiritual life on that one thing they are already doing well and ignore everything else they really do struggle with. As a result, they look more spiritual than you despite the fact that they are probably missing the whole point of what that one thing they’re good at is actually about. The Pharisees did this with the Sabbath. When Jesus relieved people’s suffering on the Sabbath with healing, they persecuted Him for breaking the law, (which they never did) but the whole point of the Sabbath was to be a gift of rest to people, not to become a burden people were always failing at. Following God shouldn’t be a burden. His way should give you life and obedience should flow out of love so that whatever rules there are actually serve you instead of you serving the rules.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
160. He Had To Feel It
Do you ever have so much pain in your life that you wish you could stop feeling things altogether? For some people, the pain on the inside of their life is so deep and overwhelming that they think the only way they can cope with it is to cut themselves on the outside. That way, they seem to control the pain. Some folks start cutting and can’t stop because the relief they feel from their inner pain is only a short-term illusion. It goes away for a second and then comes rushing back in like a flood. Some people have so much pain that they start to become numb to normal life. They don’t feel happy or sad, angry or excited... they just feel nothing. I know some people wish they could feel nothing. Some folks see themselves as the root of all their trouble and hurt and they want to stop feeling so that they can put an end to their outrageous guilt. The fact is, this world is broken, splintered and filled to the brim with pain. When Jesus was dying on the cross to pay for all of our wrong, He became severely dehydrated. At one point, He asked for a drink. They took a sponge and filled it with wine vinegar mixed with a mild pain medicine. Jesus tasted it and then spat it out. He wouldn’t drink even one drop because it had that pain medicine in it. See, He was bearing the sin of the world. He was wearing our pain, and part of the deal was that He had to feel all of it. Whatever hurts you have, Jesus knows. He felt it with you and He felt it for you.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
159. He Went First
Have you ever gone to see a movie that was hyped up to be the biggest, best, most amazing thing to ever happen in the history of entertainment only to find that the movie completely sucked? The trailers are playing at every theater and on every TV commercial break for months. The producers have spent the most money ever and hired the best actors of all time and you’re so freaking pumped to see it, and it totally bombs. Don’t you just feel so robbed by a movie like that? Well, I want to tell you that in the best possible way, death is going to be like that hyped up, but very bad movie. Here’s what I mean: You know how they always say we’ll never know what it’s like to die until we actually die, because no one has ever died and then come back to tell us about it? Well, that’s not actually true. Jesus died. He died the most horrible death ever conceived by man, and then He got up out of His grave into a whole new kind of life to tell the tale. Jesus defeated death and now lives forever. He came back from the grave and told us some things. He told His boy Thomas to touch His scars, which means that old wounds don’t hurt anymore. He told His boys to go preach even though people would torture them, which means there’s nothing to fear. And He told us He would never, ever leave us. You see, in the end, death is going to be like that bad movie - it’s not all it’s hyped up to be after all. As Paul said, “Where O death is your sting? Where O grave your victory?”
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
158. His Way Just Works
Why do you think certain people don’t want anything to do with Jesus? Is it because their lives have been so hard and they blame God for their troubles? I guess there are probably a few folks out there like that. Is it because they have been burned so much by mean and judgmental churches and Christians? Sure, there are probably even more of those, I guess. There are probably thousands of factors that contribute to keeping certain people away from the Lord, but I bet you anything that the number one reason non-believers don’t want to believe in Jesus is simply this: They don’t want someone telling them what to do in their life. They want to do their own thing. They want to please themselves, and let’s be honest, Jesus wants to be in charge. There’s no getting around it - He wants to run the show. I mean, Jesus said some pretty audacious stuff. One time He said that if you build your life on anything besides Him, it’s like building a sand castle - it’s guaranteed to fail. Wow. How could Jesus say something so bold and sweeping like that? I mean, He literally said that life His way works, and life without Him simply doesn’t. Why is this? Well, it’s simple. Jesus invented life. He created us. He gets to decide the rules of how life works, because He created life, and He made us in such a way that we absolutely and completely need Him to make it. We all have storms to face and He made us so that we can’t face them without Him. He made us to need Him and life only works when we admit that truth and run to Him.