Wednesday, April 4, 2012

158. His Way Just Works

Matthew 7:24

Why do you think certain people don’t want anything to do with Jesus? Is it because their lives have been so hard and they blame God for their troubles? I guess there are probably a few folks out there like that. Is it because they have been burned so much by mean and judgmental churches and Christians? Sure, there are probably even more of those, I guess. There are probably thousands of factors that contribute to keeping certain people away from the Lord, but I bet you anything that the number one reason non-believers don’t want to believe in Jesus is simply this: They don’t want someone telling them what to do in their life. They want to do their own thing. They want to please themselves, and let’s be honest, Jesus wants to be in charge. There’s no getting around it - He wants to run the show. I mean, Jesus said some pretty audacious stuff. One time He said that if you build your life on anything besides Him, it’s like building a sand castle - it’s guaranteed to fail. Wow. How could Jesus say something so bold and sweeping like that? I mean, He literally said that life His way works, and life without Him simply doesn’t. Why is this? Well, it’s simple. Jesus invented life. He created us. He gets to decide the rules of how life works, because He created life, and He made us in such a way that we absolutely and completely need Him to make it. We all have storms to face and He made us so that we can’t face them without Him. He made us to need Him and life only works when we admit that truth and run to Him.

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