Wednesday, May 23, 2012

172. He Knows What You Want Him To See

Do you have any of those relationships where you can never seem to win? You know, this person always remembers your mistakes and screw-ups, but the good stuff you’ve done never seems to be good enough or somehow never seems to count. It’s like you’re taking a test with this person, only you never know what the questions are, and you always fail. Some folks are just impossibly hard to please, but Jesus isn’t one of them. I think that most folks assume that because Jesus is God in the flesh, He would be the hardest person to please, ever. They think that Jesus is probably constantly shaking His head at our efforts toward goodness or else completely discounting everything we do because it all seems so trivial. The truth is that most people have Jesus figured out all wrong. He doesn’t have some kind of impossible standard of friendship maintenance where your good intentions and hard work don’t register on the scale. On the contrary, He knows every movement of your heart and sees all your motives as plain as day. When you pray for someone who’s down or make a sacrifice of time or money to help someone in need, simply because you love them and you want to show them the love of Jesus, the Lord sees that. In the book of Revelation, Jesus dictates seven letters to some churches and in the very first one He says, “I know your deeds.” No matter how small it may seem to you, Jesus knows and sees everything good and sweet in your heart. When you act out of love for Him to please His heart, He knows it and He’ll never forget it.

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