Wednesday, June 27, 2012

182. He Still Works The Same Way

How do you stop certain sins that really get a hold on you? If you’re stuck in some cycle of wrong, how do you get out of it? We all know how it feels to mess up in the same area over and over again, right? The truth is, everyone knows how it feels; which means that you’re not alone and you’re not some freak if you’ve ever been stuck. In my opinion, we’ve all been there because we all try to break out of our cycles in the wrong way. See, when we come to know Jesus, we come weak, helpless and needing to be rescued. We know we don’t have what it takes to save ourselves, so we beg for His mercy and grace. Then, once we’re saved, we try to muscle our way through life. If we want to stop sinning, we try to load up a bunch of rules and guilt so that we clean up because it’s the ‘right thing to do’ or because we feel so bad about it. The problem is, it doesn’t work that way! Once we know Jesus, we’re told to get our act together and start living right, but we can’t! When Paul wrote the Galatians, he said, “After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?” In other words, walking with Jesus should be exactly like coming to know Him in the first place. If you’re stuck in a sin, don’t just grit your teeth and try to stop. Go to Him like you did in the beginning. Tell Him you don’t have what it takes and that you need His forgiveness and grace. It still works the same way.

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