Saturday, June 30, 2012

183. He's Like Food

Did you know that your food turns into you? I realize that’s kind of a weird thing to say, but it’s true. The old saying, “You are what you eat” turns out to be scientifically spot-on. I mean, yeah - some of the stuff we eat is ejected as waste, but you actually keep and use tons of everything you ingest! The food you eat goes into you and actually becomes you. The simple and complex sugar molecules that make up your food get broken down and processed into the energy you need to power the cells that keep your neurons firing, heart beating, blood pumping, muscles contracting and on and on. That’s why it’s so important to give your body what it needs. One time Jesus said something so strange that tons of the people who followed Him decided to turn away and leave Him. He said, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life... for my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.” Wow. That’s a pretty gross thing to say. Some folks say He was talking about communion, but this was years before the Last Supper ever happened. I think Jesus was saying that He’s like food because He’s what we need to live life, and He’s what we need every single day, all day long. If we take Him into our hearts, ingest His words, drink in His truth, we have the strength, energy and nourishment we need to live a new kind of life. Thing is, when you start to fill your heart up with Jesus, you get satisfied just like with a great meal. His ways are delicious. His message is satisfying. He’s everything you need to make it.

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