Saturday, April 20, 2013

258. His Blood Speaks

What’s the worst thing someone’s ever said about you? Can you still hear it? I bet you have probably forgotten a thousand really nice and encouraging things that have been said about you, but the ten or twelve things people have said that really hurt you the most are still rattling around in between your ears, wreaking havoc on your heart. Maybe you heard someone saying that you’re not good enough. Maybe someone you really respected or cared about said something about your face or your body that you just can’t unhear. Maybe it was a parent or a friend or maybe it’s just a nameless voice in the soup of your own head that just won’t let you love who you are. If you know where I’m coming from, there’s another voice you need to hear. The book of Hebrews tells us that when you come to God, the sprinkled blood of Jesus is there, speaking. The blood speaks. The writer of Hebrews says that Jesus’ blood speaks “a better word.” I know that might seem kinda weird, but the blood of Jesus spilled for you has something to say about who you are. It says you are special. It says you are valuable. The blood says you were worth dying for. The blood says Heaven wouldn’t have been Heaven without you there. It says you are forgiven. It says you are brand new, as righteous as Jesus Himself and His very own kid. The sprinkled blood of Jesus speaks forever - an eternal voice that will one day drown out and silence every other voice in your life, declaring once and for all that you (yes, you!) are more precious to God than anything or anyone who has ever lived. 

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