Wednesday, April 24, 2013

259. He's Already Where You're Going

Sometimes the biggest question you have to face is, “What’s next?” Maybe you’re at the end of something big or at the beginning of something new and you don’t know how you’re going to handle it. Maybe you’re staring down the barrel of an unknown future with no prospects for where to put your foot moving forward and you just don’t know what to do or where God is in the midst of it. Right now, I have friends graduating from school, friends getting out of the lock up, friends with new babies and friends looking for a new job, just to name a few. The thing they all have in common is that they can’t see into the future, but they’re walking with the One who holds their future. Everyone of those friends knows that whatever they have to face, they need Jesus to be there, working out the details and preparing something for them they couldn’t do for themselves. After Jesus rose from the dead, His disciples were heading out into uncharted waters. They were about to enter into situations the’d never faced and difficulties they’d never imagined. They must have felt so nervous and unsure of themselves. What was going to happen next? Where would Jesus send them? Were they ready? Would He help? Were they alone? The disciples had been fishing all night and when the morning broke, a voice called to them from the shore. It was Jesus. He was already there, though they didn’t know it. He was on the shore, cooking their breakfast. Whatever you have to face next, Jesus is already there. He goes ahead you, preparing the way. He has a plan and no matter what, you are never alone.

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