Tuesday, June 11, 2013

273. He Knows There's A Solution, But Not Always A Reason

Sometimes, when a terrible thing happens in your life, you wonder what you did to cause it, right? I know I’m not the only person who feels this way. A tragedy strikes, a situation goes south, and the first thing you do is think back through your week to see what big sin you did that God is punishing you for. We all do it. We all assume that problems and pains happen as a result of our wrong. We think that God is sitting up in Heaven smiting people for their sins by ruining their day or complicating their life. On the one hand, it seems to make sense, but the more you actually think about it, the more that logic falls apart. If God punished us for the wrong things we do, say and think, we’d be obliterated. There wouldn’t be enough time in the day for all the smiting. The truth is, we live in a fallen world and crappy stuff just happens sometimes. I know that doesn’t solve your problem, but it is true. Sometimes the answer to “Why did that horrible thing have to happen?” is that there is no answer, we just live in a broken world. One time Jesus met a man who was born blind and people asked Him, “Who sinned? Was it him or his parents?” Jesus said that his blindness wasn’t the result of anyone’s sin. Sometimes these things just happen. The amazing thing was that Jesus then healed the man. God isn’t punishing you for your sin, but He does want to work in your life. He wants to change you. There may not always be a reason, but Jesus has a solution. 

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