Sunday, June 30, 2013

277. He Wants To Make A Home In You

Do you know what lonely feels like? Have you ever felt the restless sadness of not having anyone who gets you or really understands you? Do you long to have someone awesome who just wants to be with you or around you? One of the hardest things that happens in life is when a relationship changes or ends. Someone was in your life and you had a connection with them, but then something happened and now it's just different. Maybe you've never had that person in the first place and you long to know what it feels like to be truly understood, accepted and wanted. If you've ever felt this way, I have some unbelievable news for you. Jesus wants to make a permanent home in your heart. He wants to live in you in such a way that you are best friends and never separated even for a second for the rest of your life. When you love Jesus, the most incredible thing happens, where the miracle of Bethlehem and that first Christmas is repeated in your own life. The infinite God who started galaxies spinning and spread out explosive oceans of stars by simply calling out their names makes Himself small. The One who conquered death and hell and holds all power, potential, history and future in the palm of His hands becomes so small that He can hide in the darkest corners of your heart. The One who made you, loves you eternally and understands you completely walks the halls of your heart and mind as if it were His home sweet home so that you always have Him when you need Him. You always have a best friend who gets you. 

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