Tuesday, February 11, 2014

339. He Feels Your Hurt Deep Down

Do you ever wonder how God feels about the way you struggle? Let’s face it - your life can be really hard sometimes and not all of your failings and inconsistencies are simply the result of your sin. You have pitfalls and stumbles that have nothing to do with you, but are just part of the unique difficulty of your life being lived in this fallen world. Sometimes you live those hard moments well and at other times, you don’t. I have talked to so many people who assume that God watches them face troubles and hurts with the air of an overbearing parent who is impossible to please. They assume God is disappointed unless we weather every storm with poise, grace and spiritual maturity. The thing is, when you watch Jesus in the Gospels, you find something altogether different. There’s a place in Matthew 9 that says, “When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” When Jesus looked at the problems and distress of the lives around Him, He wasn’t upset that those people weren’t living more victoriously. Rather, He felt for them. In fact, in the original language Matthew wrote this verse in, the word we have translated ‘compassion’ is a word that literally means “intestines.” Matthew was trying to tell us that Jesus felt for these people way down in His gut. Jesus’ compassion is so deep and real that for Him, it’s a physical reality. Your life is hard and sometimes you don’t handle it all that well. Know that when you are having a rough time, Jesus is on your side. He feels for you more than you can imagine.

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