Friday, February 21, 2014

342. He Wants Us To Grow Down

What does it take to really know God more deeply? Can you do it? Do you personally have what it takes? Can anyone figure it out, or is it one of those things that’s only available to a select few? Do you need a degree from a seminary? If you want to be closer to the Lord, do you have to be a theological powerhouse who has read all the right books and can break down all the scholarly secrets? Is God only interested in truly revealing Himself to folks who are upright and holy? Even as I ask these questions, something just doesn’t seem right, does it? When you actually read the Bible and watch the life and ministry of Jesus, you see something totally different. Jesus didn’t surround Himself with a bunch of high born scholars. He didn’t reserve the good stuff for the people who were following all the rules. In fact, the biggest fights Jesus got into were with the so-called holy and righteous guys who had all the religious degrees and knew all the answers. Jesus was frustrated and angry with that crowd, calling them a bunch of “whitewashed tombs that look good on the outside but were filled with rotting corpses.” He called them a “brood of vipers” and “sons of the devil.” Jesus worked miracles and taught all the secrets to outcasts, sinners, the poor and lonely. He said God was revealing Himself to little children and hiding things from the wise. If we want to get closer to God and know Him more, all we have to do is become like little kids. We need to grow down, not up. Needing Him is the key to knowing Him.

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