Monday, May 23, 2011

70. He Wasn't About Himself

John 13:3

Have you ever had one of those people in your life that is completely selfish all the time? You know, where it’s all about them? Maybe it’s a boss, a teacher, a parent or even a best friend, but you know what I mean, right? There are people who use their authority or power to get what they want for themselves, period. Every situation is about them. Every action and reaction by everyone in their life is only important in the way that it affects them. It’s as if everyone in their lives exists to please, promote and provide for them. Here’s the thing: just about everyone is this way to a certain extent. What I mean is, we are all selfish. If someone shows you a group picture that you’re in, where are you looking first? At you! That’s right... everyone else could be cross-eyed and covered in bird droppings, but as long as you’re looking good, that picture is the BOMB! To different degrees, every one of us is all about self. Except Jesus. He was about others all the time. He was the one person who had the right to demand complete servitude from every breathing thing; and yet, on the night He was betrayed, He took off His clothes, grabbed the towel of a slave and washed His friends’ feet. How did He do it? How could the most unfairly dissed person ever be so selfless all the time? Wanna learn Jesus’ secret? Here it is: Jesus knew who He was. Period. He knew what the Father thought of Him, so He didn’t have to do anything to prove it. When you know who you are, you can be about something besides yourself.

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