Saturday, October 26, 2013

309. He Doesn't Want You To Forget

Do you ever feel like you’re not forgiven anymore? As in, you feel so distant from the Lord that it’s as if your relationship with Him is somehow void and the grace you were banking on has expired? Sometimes, all you can think about are your own failures - those moments where you fell off; and when you’re feeling spiritually dry anyway, the guilt takes over. You start to think the distance you feel from the Lord is because of your sin - in other words, Jesus is holding back from you relationally and emotionally because He’s over your screw ups and basically just tired of forgiving you. This is one of those feelings that’s not true, but we’ve all felt it. I think this is why Jesus said some of the things He did during the last supper. As they were eating, Jesus took a piece of bread, gave thanks, broke it, handed it to His guys and then said, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” My whole life, I thought communion was a ceremony to honor Jesus’ sacrifice, but what if Jesus meant something different by it? What if Jesus was saying, “Every time you eat food, every single time you break bread, I want you to remember that I gave myself to be broken for you.” What it it wasn’t just a ceremonial thing, but for every meal? And what if the thing He wants you to remember is that He wanted to die for you. He did this on purpose. He isn’t disappointed or sick of forgiving you. He loves you, and every single time you tear a piece of bread, He wants you to remember His love again.

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