Wednesday, November 27, 2013

318. He Can't Rest While You Hurt

How does Jesus feel when you’re going through a hard time? Does He care? Could you know if He does? What if it feels like He’s not around? What if it feels like He’s too busy or you’re too insignificant? What if He did, though? What if Jesus - God in the flesh - really, truly cared about the pains of mind and heart you feel? What if His Almighty, Eternal Heart was actually and deeply moved by the fissures and cracks in your own? Just take a minute and think on that. Whoa. The heart of God moved by mine. His vast heart trembling while mine breaks. Oh, friends - if that’s true, it’s the most unbelievably wonderful thing that could possibly be. If that’s true, it means my pain isn’t random or meaningless. It means I’m not alone. If Jesus feels it with me, maybe I can face it for a little while longer. The question is, can we know that’s true? Does He feel it with us? One time Jesus met a man who had been paralyzed for thirty eight years. He healed this man and told him to take up his mat and walk, which the man did. The only problem was that this healing took place on a Sabbath - the day of rest. The religious leadership came after Jesus, questioning Him about breaking this ancient law, and Jesus said, “My Father is always at work to this very day, and I too am working.” In other words, the heart of God can’t take a rest when the one He loves is hurting. He feels your hurt. In fact, He won’t even take His own day off when you are in a hard time. He’s at work.

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