Sunday, January 15, 2012

135. He Doesn't Calculate Your Acceptance

Romans 4:4-5

You know that feeling you get after you’ve had a really bad day full of failures where you want to try and make it up to God somehow? It’s as if you’re life is on a scale - all the good stuff on one side and all the bad stuff on the other side and you’re just hoping the good outweighs the bad. This can be an overwhelming feeling because how can you ever really know where you stand? Even if you tried to keep a mental record of all your stuff, surely you’re not counting it all, right? It’s like counting calories verses exercise. I know because I just got one of those calorie apps on my phone. The thing is, you never really know. I mean, you try to put all your food in there, but what if you forgot something? And when you tabulate the exercise you do, how can it really know how many calories you actually burned? At the end of the day, the science isn’t all that exact. You’re really just guessing. And look, guessing is fine when it’s just your food... but what if it’s your relationship with the Almighty God? You don’t want to be guessing then. You want to know! Here’s the truth: God isn’t calculating your status with Him. He doesn’t have a scale up in heaven where He tabulates sins verses good works. If God did things that way, we’d all be screwed. No, Jesus bore all your wrong on the cross and offers you all of His righteousness for free just for trusting in Him. He credits His goodness to you forever. You’re in. You’re His. It’s free. It’s eternal. It’s not a calculation. It’s a gift.

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