Tuesday, January 17, 2012

136. He Told Us The Secret

Mark 8:35

Why is it that the people who are the most idolized in our society are also the most troubled? Have you ever noticed that? Our world picks certain people and just raises them up to a status of basically being worshiped. They have everything the world can offer in the terms of riches, opportunities and fans and then, before you know it, they destroy themselves with addictions, ruined relationships and even mental illness. The crazy thing is, we’ve watched this happen over and over again from Elvis to Lindsay Lohan and yet, way down deep, so many of us still want to be them. We want all that money. We want all those fans. We want those cars, those awards and those opportunities, but why? You see, the truth is, the human heart doesn’t function very well on all that worldly stuff. The truth is, there are homeless and hungry folks who are happier today than any pro athlete, pop star or fortune 500 CEO. The reason for this is a simple secret that few are willing to accept: The world is backwards. Living for yourself will ruin your life, but giving your life away will give you real life. Jesus lived this out. He was and is God, but He became poor, homeless and a servant. We assume His life of self-sacrifice was all because He was teaching us what He wanted us to be, but what if it was something else? What if He became a poor servant because it was actually the fastest way to His own personal happiness and fulfillment? Jesus told us the secret to happiness by living it out, and the secret is this: Give your life away and you find it.

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