Wednesday, July 10, 2013

280. He Wants To Share A Secret With You

What are you supposed to do about all your loneliness? Are you supposed to be able to hack your way into the coding of your personality and change the way you interact with people? Are you supposed to act really differently than the person you naturally are just so that people will accept you more? Are you supposed to tell yourself that belonging doesn’t matter as much as you thought it did? What are you supposed to do about the fact that even when you are in a crowded room filled with perfectly lovely people, you sometimes feel as though no one gets you and no one even wants to try? It hurts to be alone and to feel out of place. When you think you don’t fit, it’s a wound that’s deep and it’s a wound that throbs. What if someone really awesome wanted to be your best friend? What if, right there in the middle of your deepest loneliness, someone really amazing just wanted to know you and hang out with you? What if the smartest, coolest, most creative and original person ever thought you were simply incredible and just wanted to spend time with you? Guess what? It’s true. The sweetest, kindest and most loving person ever wants to be your friend. Jesus loves you. He likes you. He’s coming after you. He’s chasing you down through all of your pain and wounds. He knows you better than anyone and He loves you more deeply than anyone. He knows what loneliness feels like and He never wants you to have to feel it again. He wants to start a secret friendship with you today that only the two of you are invited into. 

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