Tuesday, July 23, 2013

282. He's What Everyone Is Really Looking For

Have you ever just made up your mind to walk away from Jesus and do whatever you want to do? Do you know how it feels to settle the issue in your own heart and then sprint as fast as you can and as far away as you can from Him? Did you know that in the midst of your running away, you’re really not that far from Him? Have you ever thought about the fact that in some ways you’re always looking for Jesus? Even when it feels like you’re running from Him with all of your might and loaded down with the full cargo of all your rebellion, there is a germ of something down deep inside you that is pining after Him - even if you don’t realize it. It turns out that all the things we do to try to fill ourselves up are just weak, watered-down substitutes for something Jesus can give us and actually wants to give us. We want to feel loved. We want to be special and important to someone else. We want fulfillment, purpose and pleasure. We want to succeed at stuff and we like the way it feels to be healthy and balanced. This is why we do the things we do. It makes perfect sense. These are all good and normal desires. God made us to want those things. Our problem is that we try to get those needs met by settling for something that can’t get the job done. Wherever you run, you’re really looking for Jesus and the cool thing is, He can’t wait to meet every single need and desire you have in a way that actually satisfies and eternally fills you up.

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