Saturday, July 13, 2013

281. He's Enough To Keep You Saved

Do you ever wonder when your walk with the Lord is going to kick into a higher gear? Are you waiting on your love for Jesus to become so real to you that you’re fundamentally different - wanting new things, seeing everything differently and feeling this deeper? The truth is, most folks think their relationship with Jesus is entirely up to them. They think the forward progress of their walk rests on their own shoulders. They believe that the only locomotion for their growth is their own resolve. As a result, lots of believers are pretty down on themselves about where they are spiritually. Maybe you’ve been there. Maybe you know how it feels to think your walk struggles and stumbles along (and probably always will) because you’re just not serious enough. If you know how that feels, you need to hear this. Way back in the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah, Jesus spoke about Himself. Before He ever drew a breath as a baby in Bethlehem, He spoke through Isaiah because there was something He wanted everyone to know about Him. He said, “It is I - speaking in righteousness, mighty to save.” He wants you to know that He is powerfully working towards you being saved, rescued, delivered and finished. He’s not passive in the process of your salvation, and He didn’t just get you in the door. He is mighty to save you and keep saving you. He is powerfully changing your appetites and affections. He is mighty to make you love Him and want new things. He is strong enough to take you where you need to go, and if you look back over your life, you can already see that He’s doing it. You’re changing.

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