Sunday, April 17, 2011

58. He Sees You

Luke 13:12

Do you ever feel invisible, like no one sees you? Anyone feel me on this? I’m talking about a feeling that is deep and lonesome. I’m talking about feeling like you’re a ghost in your house or in the halls of your school; like people catch glimpses of you but don’t look long enough to really see you. If you know what I mean, then you know how uncomfortably oppressive that feeling is, and you probably also know that thing the devil tries to tell you when you’re sitting there in the middle of it, which is: nobody sees you because there’s nothing to see. He tells you you aren’t worth noticing, and before long you’re so down and dark that you can’t even tell when people do see you. Here’s the thing: all that talk from the devil is just a lie to get you hating yourself. You are not, I repeat, not invisible because you suck. Did you know that J.K. Rowling wasn’t accepted by the first publishing house she went to with Harry Potter? In fact, she had the door slammed in her face not once, not twice, but twelve times! Twelve times! And dang, she rocks! So do you. One time there was a woman who was physically bent over double because Satan had tormented her for 18 years. Since she was doubled over and staring at the ground, no one ever saw her... except Jesus. In the middle of a crowd one Saturday, He saw her. He loved her. He found her and helped her stand. Even if you feel like no one else sees you, Jesus does. He loves you. He’s looking for you. He thinks you’re awesome and He wants you with Him.

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