Tuesday, April 26, 2011

62. He Walked through Walls

John 20:19

So, let’s go back to that issue of addiction. You know, that thing where you feel completely powerless and stuck in something you absolutely hate, but you do it again and again, which leads to a downward spiral of darkness and an increased hatred of life in general? Alright, well, last time I talked about how the resurrection of Jesus gives us power to change and be different... to be a whole new thing. Let’s take a minute and break that down a bit: You see, when Jesus came back to life, He was the same, but different. What I mean is this: He was still Jesus, but He had completely changed. His body had gone through death and defeated it. He had overcome decay, sickness, weakness, fatigue, decline and age! Jesus was clothed with immortality! His body was (and still is) a heavenly, indestructible and incorruptible body! The new, eternal body was made for heaven, so that this earth couldn’t really handle it. The powers and effects of gravity and matter were no match for Jesus’ new body. He was walking through walls, appearing and disappearing at will, floating up into heaven, you name it! You see, Jesus didn’t walk through walls because He was like a ghost... it’s the opposite of that. It’s that the eternal life is more real than the material life. This old world had no hold on Him. If you know Jesus, that eternal life has been born in you too! Everyday you walk with Him, you become more a child of heaven and this old world has less hold on you. It’s just not as real or as compelling as the things of eternity. You’re new and different because of Him.

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