Saturday, February 4, 2012

141. He Just Wants You

Matthew 13:46

Do you ever get stressed out when Christians talk about all the stuff they’re doing for the Lord? Do you ever wonder what God wants to do with you, and then freak out about the fact that it hasn’t happened yet? Do you ever feel like all Christians talk about is, “What are you doing for God?” “What’s your ministry?” “What’s your spiritual gift, and how are you using it?” “What impact are you having on the advancement of God’s Kingdom, huh?” Dang! It can all be a little overwhelming and exhausting, right? Sometimes ministry can become like a mark of status among believers, as if some folks are more important to God than others because they pastor a big church or run a missions organization or something. The problem is, if you don’t have a ton of ministry happening right now, it’s easy to feel like a loser. Here’s the truth: You’re not a loser. There’s no one more important to God than you! Seriously, you have infinite value in the eyes of your Creator and He loves you completely, right now, as you are. In Matthew 13, Jesus told a story about a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found the one he wanted, he gave everything for that one pearl. The cool thing is, the story never says what he did with it. It doesn’t say he took the pearl on tour, showing it off and making it famous. It doesn’t say he used that pearl to bring in more pearls. Maybe he didn’t want to do anything with it. Maybe he just wanted it for himself. Jesus is that merchant, and you are that pearl. He gave everything just to have you for his own.

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