Wednesday, February 8, 2012

142. He Sees You

Luke 7:44

I think the most frustrating emotion is being misunderstood. It’s debilitating because you feel stuck. When you’re misunderstood, it means someone thinks something about you that isn’t true, but how are you supposed to change their mind?! You probably can’t win them over, since they don’t believe you in the first place. See what I mean? To be misunderstood is to be placed in an impossible position in certain relationships in which there seems to be no way out. Everyone has experienced this, so I know you understand where I’m coming from, but I want to encourage you with something: Jesus has never misunderstood you. He perfectly knows the depths of your heart. In fact, He understands you better than you do! One time Jesus was invited to the home of an important man called Simon for a dinner party. All of a sudden, the party was gatecrashed by a prostitute who was crying uncontrollably and went straight up to Jesus. She basically attacked Him with a show of overwhelmed gratitude. She cried on His feet, she wiped them with her hair, she kissed His feet, she broke this jar of perfume and poured it on His feet. It was like an embarrassing display of ugly-cry-worship, and Simon didn’t like it. He judged the woman and he judged Jesus. Maybe he was wondering if Jesus was one of her customers... Jesus said an amazing thing though: He said to Simon, “Do you see this woman?” Thing is, Simon didn’t get her because he didn’t see her. Jesus sees everything. Jesus sees you. When the whole world misunderstands you, Jesus looks all the way down to the bottom of your heart and sees the whole truth of who you are.

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