Wednesday, February 15, 2012

144. He Can't Stand Acting

Matthew 23:27

What if everyone you knew thought something about you that wasn’t true? Now imagine that the untrue thing they think about you is basically all they think about when they think about you... Now, imagine you really love someone, but they don’t want to love you back because they think something about you that isn’t true. That sounds sucky, right? I don’t know, but I bet that’s what it feels like to be God a lot of the time. One time I saw a bumper sticker that said, “Jesus is coming - look busy!” Dang, that sticker made me so sad because people have Jesus figured out all wrong. They think that in order to impress Jesus, you have to be doing good all the time; and even if you’re not, you should just pretend that you are! Just look busy and maybe Jesus won’t smite you. Wow. Most people think Jesus only accepts people who have it all together and follow all the rules, but when you actually sit down and read the New Testament, you find Jesus hanging out with prostitutes, prisoners, beggars, sluts, hated foreigners and enemies of the state! In fact, the only people Jesus ever really had a problem with were the religious leaders of the day... the people who looked like they had it all together, looked like they were following the rules, looked busy. Jesus went off on them once calling them “hypocrites” - which is just the Greek word for an actor. These guys were merely pretending. It turns out that most people are wrong about Jesus. You don’t have to have it all together. He can handle sinners. Sin isn’t the problem. The only thing the blood of Jesus won’t cover is pretending.

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